Social Responsibility Policy

Social Responsibility Policy

The social responsibility management system at SAVC is based on the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and the Social Accountability 8000 international standard (SA8000). The system encompasses the aspects of labor, health and safety, the environment, and ethical guidelines. The operation of the management system serves to reduce business risks and fulfill the requirements of corporate social responsibility. We strive to maintain harmonious labor-management relations and provide a sound workplace based on the spirit of continuous improvement:


RBA/SA8000 Policy

  1. To comply with the laws and regulations of local government authorities in the regions where we operate;
  2. To create a safe, healthy, environmentally-friendly working environment;
  3. To treat our employees with fairness, equity and respect;
  4. To maintain honest business practices and establish a high standard of corporate ethics;
  5. To ensure supplier compliance with RBA/SA8000 standards.

Employee Policy

SAVC specializes in the provision of professional photonic semiconductor fabrication services and our human resources policy is derived from our corporate character and ideals of “Integrity, Practicality, Friendliness, Openness.” In keeping with the spirits of RBA and SA8000, we strive to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, ensure that our protection of employees’ human rights is up to international standards, and provide a safe working environment. SAVC is publicly committed to treating every employee fairly, equally, and with respect so that their rights are protected and they behave in an ethical manner. Our employee policy is as follows:

Non-use of child labor

A zero-tolerance policy is enforced on child labor. We promise that we will not employ child labor, and comply with the local laws and regulations on minimum wage. At the same time, the use of child labor by suppliers or contractors will not be permitted under any circumstances.

Freedom of association

We respect and protect employees’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Effective channels of communication have also been put into place.


Employees are prohibited against discriminating on the basis of race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religious belief, political affiliation, union membership, veteran service, protected genetic information, or marital status. All employees are entitled to equal opportunities for development in terms of employment, evaluation, compensation, training, and promotions. We cooperate with suppliers that abide by the same principles mentioned above and the principles apply to the hiring of employees as well. Employees should be provided with appropriate venues for religious activities. Additionally, employees or prospective employees must not be subjected to discriminatory medical testing or physical examinations such as pregnancy or virginity exams.

Humane treatment

Abuse, inhumane treatment or harassment of employees in any form are prohibited. These include sexual violence, sexual harassment of any form, torture, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, bullying, public humiliation, and verbal abuse. The threatening of above conduct is not permitted either. Related disciplinary policies and procedures are clearly defined and communicated to employees.

No forced labor

We respect labor awareness and prohibit forced labor in any form. All employment relationships are governed by the written labor contract signed by mutual consent in accordance with the law. Employees also have the right to separate from the company if proper notice is given to ensure that all employment conditions are voluntary. The use of forced labor by any suppliers or contracts is not permitted.

Labor-Management negotiations

Public and open channels of communication are provided between employees and the management. Employees are also made aware of company policies, systems, benefits, and operating procedures. Timely response and assistance are provided in response to employee suggestions to ensure that harmonious labor-management relations are maintained.

Compensation and Benefits

SAVC provides employees with compensation and benefits that meet or exceed statutory requirements on minimum wage, paid leave, and benefits to ensure that at a minimum their basic needs are met. The use of pay deductions as disciplinary action is also prohibited.

Reasonable working hours

A reasonable labor time management scheme that complies with applicable legislation is clearly defined for supporting and managing employee attendance. We also manage and arrange employees’ working time, rest time and leave in a reasonable manner.